Identifying the most bacteria-riddled spots in your office has never been more important.
The following are the most used fixtures in your office, and hence, the dirtiest.
Elevator Buttons
Elevators work all day, every day, especially when they’re in a mixed-use commercial building. Their buttons are constantly pressed by fingers that are constantly exposed to the environment.
Seeing as COVID-19 is still very much a threat, it’s important to make sure these buttons get cleaned and disinfected at the day’s end.
Office Desktop
Your staff’s workstations may be
400 times dirtier than your toilet seat, and we’re not talking about workstations as a collective; we’re talking about individual desktops.
Unless your employees wipe down their desks after every three hours, (somewhat likely) give their even germier phones the same treatment, (extremely unlikely) and keep their hands off the desk, which—let’s face it—is just impractical; it’s your responsibility to recruit a detailed commercial cleaning service and limit the spread of germs.
Non-automatic Door Handles
Homes have doorknobs, whereas most offices still have manual door handles that are not only a non-inclusive form of access but also a germ magnet.
After getting countless germs on their hands, they might bring them in close contact with their face, thereby setting off a transmission.
Breakroom Tap Handles
It goes without saying that all things in communal use are probably crawling with billions of germs, invisible to the naked eye, but always ready to attack you and your staff’s immune systems.
Apart from the furniture, the sink faucet is probably the second most-touched mechanism in a breakroom. Thus, it’s imperative that you set a policy for hand sanitization before touching any and all handles and get a cleaning crew to clean the whole place afterwards.
High Time to Ring Up an Office Maid Service in Naperville
The Tidy Queens is a
minority-owned commercial cleaning service that extends highly professional and ethical
janitorial services to small commercial offices, medical offices, property managers, realtors, real estate investors, contractors, and builders.
Check out FAQs or dial
(630) 791-9386 to learn more about
facility cleaning in Naperville.